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The Mirror World (or as it is more commonly said, the Chrome Car) is a train car that appears in the episode "The Chrome Car."


The car is a room full of mirrors in random geometric shapes, along with the floor being one giant mirror.


These reflections in these mirrors are actually sentient beings that are bound to reflect the prime world counterparts for their entire existence.

Any reflections that deviate from this path are known as "slivers" or "cracked reflections."

The appearence of reflections are similar to the prime but their body is made of metal and their appearence is backwards, like a "reflection on a mirror". Because of their metal bodies, their physical strength is and their endurance to pain is stronger. Their weight is heavier because of their metal bodies which would cause them to sink in water. However, if they make contact with a sander, or anything that can sand or grind metal, they feel pain start bleeding a metal substance similar to blood, like metallic blood.

Door Functioning and the Switching Method

This room's door is opened by the reflection and the prime, or the reflections owner, switching realms to both open the door at the same time. The switching is a method of allowing the slivers to break the barrier between the prime world and the mirror world.

Recycling Reflections

Once a Prime dies, the Mirror Police make the reflection choose between two options;

  • Have their memories erased and reflect a new prime
  • Keep their memories but become Mirror Officer to protect and enforce the barrier

Law Enforcement

The Mirror Police are enforcers of this barrier who hunt slivers. As in their eyes, the reflections have no purpose other than reflecting their prime. Punishment for a sliver who doesn't turn themself in is being polished down into a pile of nothing, as death.

ve Locations